Technical Rotary Services, Inc. is recognized as one of the world's leading specialists in precision rotary tables. As the manufacturer of the ROTAB line, the world's leading name in precision rotary tables, we have over 65 years of experience in rotary table design and manufacturing. From our fully equipped manufacturing facility we produce and market a comprehensive line of standard and special precision rotary tables featuring horizontal, tilting and freewheeling models. Standard sizes from 6" to 48" diameter, with specials ranging from 2" to 160" diameter. Our staff will design, develop, manufacture and service any type of rotary table or high accuracy rotary motion system to meet your specifications. The tables offer a consistent, customized approach with proven standard elements. We also refurbish and upgrade still useful tables, both of our manufacture as well as other brands.
Rotary Services, Inc. · 14020 Hovey ·
Warren, Michigan 48089 · Phone: 586-772-6755
· E-mail: ROTABbyTRS@aol.com
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Rotary Services, Inc., 2007, All Rights Reserved website by jeffdunn.com |